Would you like to take a seat at the table of TWC22?

The Tiramisù World Cup returns for the sixth year to animate the centre of Treviso from 7 to 9 October.  It has become a tradition that fans of the famous spoon dessert gather in Piazza dei Signori to compete in the 'sweetest competition of the year'.  Haven't you registered as…...
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Meet Martina Aiello, official Digital Content Creator of TWC22

Between May 23rd and June 20th, applications were collected from many aspiring Digital Content Creators of the Tiramisu World Cup 2022! 🎉 A jury of experts selected the videos of three young creatives, who competed for the title at the last view. A healthy competition among tiramisu and territory fans…...
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Applications to become a TWC22 Judge are now open!

Here is the news so many of you have been waiting for 😋 Applications are now open to become the tasters of the Selections of the Tiramisù World Cup 2022, which will be held in Treviso from 7 to 9 October🥄 If you have already studied the regulations and feel…...
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