Creative Recipes

Tiramisù Creativo 2024_tiramisù della Festa_isabella bucciol

Best Creative Tiramisù 2024 – Il tiramisù della festa

Recipe by Isabella Bucciol, 2024 World Champion of Creative Tiramisù INGREDIENTS - 250g Lattebusche mas...

Tiramisù Essenziale

By Vanessa Orso, Star Finalist at Tiramisù World Cup 2023 Winner of the "La Cucina Italiana" Award INGREDI...


Recipe by Fabio Dell’Acqua, Vice World Champion and Star of Tiramisù World Cup 2023 INGREDIENTS 250g of...

Tiramisù Dalì

This recipe is by Mario De Santis, World Champion of Creative Tiramisu 2023 INGREDIENTS 54g of Amadori egg y...

Green Beauty

This recipe is by Silvia Vian, Star Finalist at Tiramisù World Cup 2022  INGREDIENTS 500 of mascarpone Lat...

Garbamisu Tiramisu by Giulia Leibanti

This recipe is by Giulia Leibanti, semi-finalist at TWC22, Creative Recipe INGREDIENTS Savoiardi biscuits ...

Surprise by Francesca Gaiotto

This recipe is by Francesca Gaiotto, Finalist of the Creative Recipe at TWC22 INGREDIENTS for 1 serving (1 ...

Sicilian Cannolo Tiramisù

This recipe is by Marina Summa, World Champion of Creative Tiramisu 2022 🏆 INGREDIENTS 30 g of egg yolk A...

Orange, burrata and chocolate flakes tiramisù

This recipe is by Elisabetta Zanette, Semi-finalist in the 'Creative Recipe' Category at the Tiramisù World C...

Scent of Spring

This recipe is by  Miriam Pressato, participant to the Tiramisù Day 2021   INGREDIENTS Classic and cocoa ...

Charlotte with raspberry, liquorice and pistachio

This recipe is by Francesca Gaiotto, Outclass Semifinalist in the "Creative Recipe" Category at the Tiramisù ...


This recipe is by Alessandra Vendemiati, Semifinalist at the Tiramisù World Cup and winner of the contest "Yo...

Mascarpone mini cake

This recipe was made by contestant Marika Menin on the occasion of the Tiramisù Day 2021 INGREDIENTS   (fo...

Hazelnut and Yuzu tiramisu

This recipe is by Erika Luis, who ranked second in the "Creative Recipe" category at the Tiramisù World Cup 2...

Love Planet Tiramisù by Hellen Green

This recipe is by Elena Pepori, second place in the Tiramisù Contest "Your Tiramisù for the Planet", organis...

Tiramisù Pegaso with pistachio cream, raspberries and gold dust

This recipe is by Barbara Marcon, third place in the category "Creative Recipe" at the Tiramisù World Cup 20...

Eye-lloween Tiramisu

This recipe is by Isabella Bucciol, third place in the Tiamisù Contest "The Best Halloween Tiramisu" INGREDI...

Tiramisu with Ham and Melon – Best Creative Tiramisù in the World 2021

This recipe is by Elena Bonali, World Champion of Creative Tiramisù 2021   INGREDIENTS   200g of ma...

Charlotte with Pavesini

INGREDIENTS Coffee Pavesini 2 egg yolks 200g of mascarpone cheese 50g of sugar 80g of low-fat yoghurt W...

Tiramisu with pink pepper and coconut

This recipe is by Silvia Vian, Semifinalist for the Creative Recipe at the Tiramisù World Cup 2019 INGREDIEN...

Tiramisu Charlotte with Fig and Blackberries

This recipe has been created and made by Susanna Pistolato, Semifinalist for the Creative Recipe at the Tirami...

Raspberry, hazelnuts and chocolate tiramisu

This recipe is by Barbara De Col, Winner of the Tiramisù Virtual Contest on the Tiramisù Day 2021, for the P...

Tiramisu Easter Egg by Moira

This recipe is by Moira Bardini, Star Finalist at the Tiramisù World Cup 2018 INGREDIENTS Chocolate Easter...

Venice, My Love

This recipe is by Annalisa Pensabene, fourth place in the Contest “Your Venetian Tiramisu"  Presentation...


This recipe is by Miriam Pressato, third place in the Contest “Your Venetian Tiramisu"  INGREDIENTS 250g...

Red Love in Venice

This recipe is by Alessandra Vendemiati, Semifinalist of the Tiramisù World Cup 2018 and winner of the Contes...

My tiramisu dressed up like pandorini

This recipe is by Erika Luis, Semifinalist for the Creative Recipe at the Tiramisù World Cup 2019 INGREDIENT...

Crown of Pavesini

This recipe is by Fabio Peyla, World Champion of Original Tiramisù 2019 INGREDIENTS 250g of mascarpone chee...

Tiramisu by Camilla

This recipe is by Camilla Paludetto, Star Finalist for the Creative Recipe at the Tiramisù World Cup 2019 IN...

Tiramisu with amaretti and raspberry sauce

This recipe is by Martina Dalla Pozza, Semifinalist for the Creative Recipe at the Tiramisù World Cup 2018 I...

Tiramisu Cake Roll

This recipe is by Riccardo Landonio, World Champion for the Creative Tiramisu Junior 2018 INGREDIENTS 40g of...

Tiramisu with vanilla, chocolate covered coffee beans and dark chocolate

This recipe “Butterfly Flight" is by Barbara Marcon, Semifinalist for the Creative Recipe at the Tiramisù W...

Tiramisu with orange, ricotta and walnuts

This recipe is by Chiara Aminta, Semifinalist for the Creative Recipe at Tiramisù World Cup 2018 INGREDIENTS...

Orange Tiramisu

This recipe is by Giada Milani, Semifinalist for the Creative Recipe at the Tiramisù World Cup 2018 INGREDIE...

Pistachio dark chocolate tiramisu

This recipe is by Lucia Sartor, Semifinalist for the Creative Recipe at the Tiramisù World Cup 2018 INGREDIE...

Pears and pepper tiramisu

This recipe is by Rossella Favaretto, Star Finalist for the Creative Recipe at the Tiramisù World Cup 2019 I...

Tiramisu with pistachio

This recipe is by Michela Masiero, Star Finalist for the Creative Recipe at the Tiramisù World Cup 2017 INGR...

Mojito Tiramisu – Best Creative Tiramisu 2019

This recipe is by Sara Arrigoni, World Champion of Creative Tiramisu 2019   INGREDIENTS 1 pack of ladyfing...

Choco-Liquorice Tiramisu

This recipe is by Erika Luis, Semifinalist for the Creative Recipe at the Tiramisù World Cup 2019  INGR...

Hazelnut Tiramisu

Said the hazelnut fell to the ground: tiramisu  INGREDIENTS (Serves 4 people)  2 fresh eggs 2 spoons ...

Susanna’s Tiramisù with salted caramel and amaretto

This recipe is by Susanna Pistolato, Semifinalist for the Creative Recipe at the Tiramisù World Cup 2019 ING...

Pisa Tiramisu

This recipe is by Beatrice Elisabetta Castellan, Finalist Star for the Original Recipe at the Tiramisù World ...

Tiramisù with vanilla, caramel and pink salt

This recipe is by Riccardo Landonio, World Champion of Tiramisù Junior 2018   INGREDIENTS 250g ma...

Tiramisu with hazelnut cream and grain hazelnuts

This recipe is by Iris Vanz, Semifinalist of the Creative Recipe of the Tiramisù World Cup 2018   IN...

Tiramisù ginger and cinnamon – Best Creative Tiramisù 2018

This recipe is by Francesca Piovesana, World Champion of Creative Tiramisu 2018 INGREDIENTS 250g of mascarpo...

Pistachio Tiramisu

INGREDIENTS (Serves 6 people) 40 grams of pistachio nuts 20 grams of sesame oil 2 yolks 80 gram...

Tiramisu with hazelnut cream

INGREDIENTS (Serves 8 people) 500 grams of mascarpone cheese 400 grams of hazelnut cream 400 grams...